817.870.1692 andy@dfwi.org

I was 5 years old. My father worked at General Dynamics and he called my mom that morning to say they had made an announcement that family could come out to the GD/Carswell to see the president. My mom, my 3 year old brother, my aunt and cousin went to GD. We were surprised by the small crowd and got to shake JFK’s and Jackie’s hand. I will never forget JFK taking my little brothers hand and whispering in his ear. We always believed he told him that he had a little boy like him at home. I will never forget that morning or my mom picking me up from kindergarten in tears. How sad to have to explain to a 5 year old & a 3 year old that the handsome young man they had been so excited to see was now dead. Such sadness…I remember watching Caroline on TV.